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Sequence 5

Having dispatched with the first wave of hired fodder, you stride forward looking to the field of battle for the proverbial head of the snake. As you look for other allies you realize that there are smaller battles being waged all over the campus. As you go towards another knot of enemies you feel  a sinister presence moving towards you. You ignite you saber once more as a hooded woman, eyes filled with taint of the dark side,  slightly cocks her head to one side saying “It’s about time a challenge came to me.” and upon finishing her sentence proceeds to take a defensive posture beckoning you on. This one time you are willing to oblige a Sith. You initiate a furious offensive.


level 1-3 sets

level 2- 5 sets

level 3- 7 sets


Overhead strikes for speed X10

Overhead strikes for Accuracy x10


Sequence  5 part 2


She is good. Very good. She turned away your initial attacks and you have to change lines, she easily turned away your chance at a quick decisive strike. You strike to the sides, seeing few openings there, you strike upwards forcing her once more on the defensive where you execute a pommel strike slamming her head into your knee.


level 1-3 sets

level 2- 5 sets

level 3- 7 sets


Lateral Strikes x 10 (alternate sides)

Rising strikes x10 (alternate sides)


pommel strikes to rising knee X10 (both sides)


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